Special project
A multi-voiced narrative between design and fashion, a collection of six hats including one designed by Dainelli Studio, created for the benefit of the Fondazione Rava. For over 20 years, Fondazione Rava has been helping children and adolescents in difficult situations, as well as mothers and vulnerable women in Italy and around the world.
From a careful observation of the human face, a hat is born that encapsulates the very essence of contemporary man: a stylized face that rises in all its uniqueness and grandeur, in contrast to a world that tends to reduce individuality to a mere dot among many.
The profile of the human face, a recurring theme of Dainelli Studio, emerges with determination on the surface of the fabric. A fusion of fashion and design: a hat with dimensions almost comparable to those of a table, reaffirming the artisanal technique of straw weaving, transforming it into a design sculpture that endures over time, a symbol of greatness, uniqueness, and strength.